so crazy how crazy life can get sometimes. The past three weeks have
been so much fun, but crazy busy full of midterms, papers, dancesport, and
training for a new job.I am happy to annouce I did rather spectacularly on
all of my midterms!
Before I get to all of the crazy stuff, I HAVE to HAVE to tell this crazy
story regarding my physical science review for my midterm. There is the
one supposedly gives amazing reviews for tests, so naturally I planned to
attend his review. I showed up almost an hour early to find this....
I couldn't believe this story regarding my physical science review for my midterm. There is the
one supposedly gives amazing reviews for tests, so naturally I planned to
attend his review. I showed up almost an hour early to find this....
many people showed
up for a Physical
Science Review! There
was a class inside the
auditorium so we all
waited anxiously
outside the doors,
wondering who was
going to get a seat and
who wasn't. There were
two other entrances into
the auditorium besides
the doors pictured here.
Once the doors opened and the other class was trying to get out, people waiting
outside started pushing and shoving their way into the auditorium to ensure they
go a seat. It was worse than Black Friday! Me and my roommate were nearly
shoved to the ground and I had to use some of my "boxing-out" skills I learrned
in basketball to beat this girl to an open seat!
There was absolutely not
room anywhere in that
room! There wasn't even
anywhere to walk! All of
the aisles were completely
filled and there were even
some people sitting on the
lab table in the front of the
room! The TA had a hard
time just trying to get into
the room! This review was
totally worth all the insanity
though!! Best review ever!
Now for all of the fun stuff that's happened... prepare yourself!!
Well for starters, I before I get into dancesport last weekend which was way
fun!! My partner, Cole, and I competed Swing. It was kinda funny because
we both were in the same dance class last semester and ended up being the
same dance class again! I wanted to compete in Dancesport last spring, but
I had to go home the weekend it was being held. I think it would have been
just as fun or even more fun than this time because we would have been able
to compete in cha cha! I was kinda worried at first that Cole and I weren't
going to do that well because the only time we really had practiced was
during the time our teacher gave us during class.
I was really nervous during our
first heat and didn't do my
absolute best, but I thought we
did rather well. Obviously the
judges liked us enough to call us
back, because we got called back
to the next heat! I was so
relieved! In the second heat, we
totally rocked it! We had to much
energy and just had tons of fun
with it. We got called back to the
third heat and we totally messed
up right at the beginning, which
was crappy, but I thought we
recovered really well. I guess the
judges didn't like us enough during
our third heat because we weren't
called back, which kinda sucked,
but we made it right up to semifinals. If we would have been called back, we
would have had to come back later that night at like 5:00. I was kinda glad to
just be done. My parents were in town and came to watch me and I had
planned on spending the evening with them and my brother and sister-in-law.
My roommate even competed and her and her partner made it into the quarter-
finals! I was so proud! And my other roommate came to watch! Dancesport
was way fun! I can't wait for next semester.
To add to the fun, my roommates Heather W, Kyleigh, and I decided to have
a sleepover in our living room! We pulled all three of our mattresses out into
the living room. It
was a tight fit, but
we managed to fit
all of them. Kyleigh
was a little harder to
convince to join us.
Heather and I had
to drah her mattress
out into the living
room. We even
had a traditional
chick flick too, and
surprisingly we all
managed to stay
awke for all of it! I'm so sad that we don't have much longer to have these
kind of girls' nights. Heather W is moving out after this semester and Jayci
has fallen head over heels and has decided to get married in December! I'm
super excited for both of them, but I am really going to miss them!
So like I said, the last few weeks have been kinda crazy but way fun!!
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