Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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So my wonderful roommate Jayci surprised us with probably only the best

Christmas present ever....
tickets to the First Presidency
Devotional!! It had been
awhile since I had been, so I
was super stoked to go listen
to the pretty music and hear
the very inspirational talks and
see all of the pretty lights on
Temple Square! I was lucky
enough to bring my friend
Alisa too, she's such a cute
girl! She always cracks me
up! So Alisa, Amy, Kyleigh
and I oh and of course J J
drove up to Salt Lake and as
left Utah valley and entered the
Salt Lake valley, there was this
really cool but eerie fog that
settled over everything!  I could only see probably a couple hundred feet in
front of me was all!  Can you say thank goodness for lights, especically in
the fog!!

I got to take a bunch of really cool pictures too! Here are a few...

Thanks so much Jayc for giving us the opportunity for such a cool experience!!

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