Sunday, November 6, 2011

FHE Scavenger Hunt

So this year I got the wonderful calling as an FHE Mom.  At first I was kinda scared not gonna lie, but I can honestly say I love my kiddos in my family, they are fantastic! So for one of our first FHE activities I thought it would be way fun to have an video/picture scavenger hunt.  Sadly I didn't think of all of these on my own, but I thought these were way too fun not to use.
1. Escape from the MTC 
2. Hug a stranger 
3. Propose in front of the Provo Temple 
Sadly there were a lot more, but this activity took a lot longer than originally anticipated, so we only ended up getting half way through them.   I think my favorite was meeting up with the second half our FHE group to go Christmas caroling in the no SHH zone of the library, but then we decided we would probably get kicked out so we decided to all pile into and elevator and when someone got in we would start singing a Christmas song, but after waiting in the elevator for about 5 minutes we decided that this was probably not the best idea so we ended up leaving and calling it quits for the night.  All in all though it was way fun and we all had a blast! 

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